"Florida Sport Fishing" is an outdoors magazine about recreational marine fishing created by Mike Genoun and was launched in Pompano, Florida. "Florida Sport Fishing" features many different categories of articles including Fish ID Guides, Cooking Recipes, Inshore, Offshore, and Freshwater Fishing, Top Fishing Electronics, Fishing Stories, Boating Safety, and How To Guides. "Florida Sport Fishing" ensures that each page has very full, detailed, informative articles accompanied by Wide Photographs. The cover is a graphic design of a Sword Fish, leaping out of the water. The Attention of the reader is drawn to the bold text. The colors of the text are correlated to the colors visible in the Photograph. The magazine includes advertisements that promote Boat Trailers, Marine Hardware, Inshore and Offshore lures, Fishing Line, Hooks, Seasoning and Fishing Clothes. Florida Sport Fishing is published and distributed bio-monthly six times per year.
Marlin is a print and digital magazine that covers big game fishing around the world; However mostly focusing on Florida Waters due to headquarters being in Winter park, Florida. The distribution in 2014 was 40,236. The magazine cover used BOLD text and white and yellow to distribute the engagement of the reader. The magazine features articles about commercial fishing, Travel and Tournaments, Boats, Offshore fishing gear. and Marine Electronics. The magazine contains advertisements promoting brands of boats, marine equipment, and fishing gear. The cover features a crystal-clear photograph of a marlin leaping out of the water. The magazine includes images mostly similar to the cover, a clear photograph of a trophy fish being caught and tournament celebrations. The shot is very wide and focused.
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