"Sport Fishing" is an outdoors magazine about recreational marine fishing created by Bonnier Corp and was launched in Winter Park, Florida, in February 1986, by World Publications. "Sport Fishing" features many different categories of articles including Fishing Boat Buying Guides, Fishing Hot Spots, Top Fishing Electronics, Fishing Stories, Boating Safety, and How To Guides. "Sport Fishing" ensures that each page has very detailed, attention grabbing photographs that encourages the reader to continue being engaged. We could create a more beneficial Sport Fishing Magazine for the reader by incorporating topics such as the best Local Charters, Fishing Lures, and Fishing Spots near or in Sarasota. The cover is a full detailed image of a Tarpon. The Attention of the reader is drawn to the bold, yellow text. The magazine includes advertisements that promote fishing gear, boats and engines, artificial lures, and Fishing Clothes. The magazine distributes 9 regular issues per year. Sport Fishing magazine has announced the winners of the 2011 Making a Difference Awards, a program debuting this year to recognize individuals who have made a positive difference in saltwater recreational fishing.
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